
“We have been inspired by the
problems Beebz solve today in
numerous ways. This goes on to
birth a story. The story of what we
are building is intriguing and it is
one I personally love sharing. I call
it: The Beebz Experience.”

Samuel C Dike, Co-founder & CPO

Traveling door-to-door between Texas cities


Traveling door-to-door
between Texas cities

From Highways to Heartbeats: Our Journey Across Texas.

Opening Scene:
Beginning of the Journey

Prudence sighed as she glanced at her phone, its screen flashing the time: 6:45 AM. She stood outside a bustling bus station in Houston, gripping the handle of her suitcase as the sun began to rise over the city skyline. This wasn’t her first trip to Dallas, but it always felt like an ordeal. Despite the promise of adventure in the city, the process of getting there had become a source of frustration for Prudence.

The bus station was packed with people, some dragging heavy bags, others looking as tired as she felt. The ticket in her hand reminded her of the cost she had paid—not just in dollars, but in time. The trip to Dallas would take hours, and with the unpredictable traffic, there was no telling how much longer she’d be waiting once the bus finally arrived. The station was crowded, noisy, and uncomfortable. She longed for an easier way, but this was the option she could afford, and it wasn’t great.

Each time she traveled for business, Prudence faced the same challenges. Between getting to the station in the first place, standing in long lines, and dealing with delayed buses, the trip always seemed to take longer than it should. She had considered flying, but the prices were even higher, and the hassle of navigating airports made it less appealing. With each trip, Prudence found herself asking: Wasn’t there a better way? But then she heard about Beebz.

A coworker had mentioned this new service based in Houston that promised to make trips between cities like Houston and Dallas faster, more convenient, and affordable. The idea of being picked up right at her door and dropped off at her destination, without the hassle of bus stations or the high costs of flights, intrigued her. She couldn’t help but wonder: Could Beebz really solve the problems she had faced for so long? Little did Prudence know, her journey was about to change forever.

The Roadmap:
Setting the Route

Prudence wasn’t the only one grappling with the frustration of traveling between Texas cities. Across Houston, Dallas, Austin, and beyond, thousands of people faced the same issues—long waits at stations, expensive fares, and routes that didn’t fit their schedules. It was a problem many accepted as part of life. But for the founders of Beebz, it was a puzzle waiting to be solved. The vision was simple: make city-to-city travel seamless, affordable, and convenient, and put the traveler first. The journey, however, was more complex.

Mapping the perfect route for Beebz meant understanding the pain points of everyday travelers like Prudence. The team at Beebz spent countless hours in bus stations, talking to commuters, and studying the travel habits of people moving between cities. They dug into the details of why travel had become such a headache—expensive rides, unreliable schedules, inconvenient pickup and drop-off locations—and knew there had to be a better way. Slowly, the pieces began to come together. Instead of making people come to the buses, what if the buses came to the people?

From this spark of inspiration, Beebz set out to design a system that would revolutionize travel. The solution would be a fleet of comfortable, modern vehicles that would operate on flexible schedules, offering door-to-door service instead of rigid station pickups. Whether someone needed to leave from their home, office, or even a coffee shop, Beebz would pick them up and take them directly to their destination. No more waiting in crowded stations or dealing with the uncertainty of traffic delays. It wasn’t just about the destination anymore—it was about transforming the entire experience of getting there.

With the roadmap set, Beebz began to roll out its service, starting in Houston and expanding to Dallas. The response was immediate. People like Prudence, who had long been frustrated with the inefficiencies of traditional travel, embraced the service. It was faster, more affordable, and, most importantly, it fit seamlessly into their lives. Beebz wasn’t just another option; it was the answer to a problem that had plagued travelers for years.

The Beebz Experience:
A Ride Like No Other

The morning of her trip, Prudence felt a wave of relief as she watched the Beebz vehicle pull up right outside her front door in Houston. No rush to get to a bus station, no scrambling to find parking or dragging her bags through crowds. The driver, a friendly professional with a welcoming smile, loaded her suitcase as she settled into her seat. It wasn’t just any ride; this was the beginning of the Beebz experience.

As the car glided smoothly onto the highway, Prudence couldn’t help but notice the difference. The seats were plush and comfortable, giving her room to stretch out, while the atmosphere inside was calm and quiet—perfect for getting some work done. She opened her laptop, connected to the unlimited Wi-Fi, and within minutes, she was attending her first meeting of the day. No more wasted hours or frustrating downtime in cramped buses. With Beebz, Prudence could make the most of her journey, all while sipping on a complimentary cup of coffee.

The ride felt more like a mobile office than a traditional bus trip. The driver maintained a steady, comfortable pace, and Prudence never had to worry about delays or making last-minute adjustments. Beebz had guaranteed her ride, just like every other time she booked. The assurance of a scheduled and reliable service gave her the freedom to plan her day without the usual travel-related stress. And as a frequent rider, Prudence had access to exclusive discounts, making it not only convenient but cost-effective too.

Hours later, the vehicle smoothly pulled up in front of her destination in Dallas—door-to-door service, just as promised. Stepping out, Prudence realized something: her perspective on city travel had completely changed. With Beebz, what once felt like a frustrating obligation had transformed into an effortless and productive part of her day. It wasn’t just transportation; it was a whole new experience.

Milestones and Triumphs:
Celebrating Successes

As Beebz continued to grow, it became more than just a service—it evolved into a movement, one that reshaped the way people traveled between cities in Texas. For Prudence and countless others like Michael (a top executive at Apple, Inc.), Beebz was no longer a hidden gem but the go-to option for efficient, comfortable, and affordable travel. Milestones started piling up, each one marking a victory for the team and a sign of progress toward their vision.

The first major triumph came when Beebz hit the first 1,000th scheduled ride milestone, a number that reflected not just bookings, but trust. With more and more passengers relying on Beebz to move between Houston, Dallas, Austin, and beyond, the startup knew it was on to something big. Customer feedback poured in, praising the seamless experience, and soon word-of-mouth referrals were driving even more growth. Prudence herself became a loyal advocate, telling friends and colleagues about the service that had made her travel so much easier.

Another key milestone came when Beebz expanded its fleet and routes, offering even more flexible scheduling and additional cities for customers to explore. Beebz vehicles became a familiar sight across Texas, with their recognizable branding and reputation for reliability. What started as an idea to fix intercity travel in Texas now had a tangible impact on the lives of thousands of travelers. The Beebz team celebrated not just the growing ridership but the creation of jobs for drivers, support staff, and the local communities they served.

The true triumph, however, lay in the stories from riders like Prudence. Beebz wasn’t just a travel service—it had become a part of their daily lives. Whether it was someone attending a business meeting while cruising in comfort, a family visiting relatives across cities, or students making regular trips between their homes and schools, Beebz had fundamentally changed how people approached travel. And with every milestone reached, Beebz celebrated not just its success, but the success of each and every rider.

“Even as a co-founder, I love that I can
skip the airport lines, transfers, and
delays. Now I get from my door to my
hotel in Austin on my own schedule,
with no stress and all the comfort I
need to stay productive. This is truly
The Beebz Experience.”

Habeeb Ayangbade, Co-founder & CEO


Outpacing the Skies:
How Beebz outdoes Flights

Discover how Beebz offers a faster, more convenient alternative to
air travel for busy business executives like you or your friends.

Grounded by Delays:
The Air Travel Dilemma

Michael glanced at his watch, his patience wearing thin as he stood in line for yet another airport security check. As a top executive at Apple Inc., traveling between Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio was part of his routine. With meetings to attend and deals to close, he often found himself rushing between cities, trying to make every minute count. Yet, despite the urgency of his work, air travel had become more of a hindrance than a help.

Each trip was the same: booking flights at inconvenient times, facing delays and transfer hassles, and navigating long security lines before even reaching the gate. Once he landed, the process repeated itself in reverse. From the airport, he had to grab an Uber to reach his destination, burning time and money on rides from point A to point B. It wasn’t just the cost of flights—though those were steep—but the hours wasted in the limbo of transit, waiting for planes, taxis, and shuttles.

On more than one occasion, Michael had missed crucial moments at meetings because of flight delays. Sales meetings were pushed back, and his efficiency was compromised. While flying between cities seemed like the fastest way to travel, the constant waiting at airports, combined with transfer times, made it far from ideal. He longed for a simpler, more direct way to get from one city to another, cutting out the middle steps and saving him valuable time.

That’s when Michael heard about Beebz. A colleague casually mentioned it over lunch—door-to-door service, no need for airports, no more security checks, and no transfers. Michael was intrigued. Could Beebz really offer a better, faster way to navigate Texas? The thought of moving seamlessly from his office in Houston to a meeting in Dallas without the usual flight chaos sounded almost too good to be true. But with Beebz, Michael was about to find out firsthand just how much smoother travel could be.

A New Horizon:
Discovering Beebz

Michael sat at his desk, staring at his calendar filled with back-to-back meetings spread across Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio. He had no choice but to face the usual grind of short-haul flight—delays, security checks, long transfer times. But this time, he hesitated. The frustrations of his last few trips were fresh in his mind: the flight that had been canceled just hours before departure, the limited schedules that never aligned with his meetings, and the wasted hours navigating airports. It felt like air travel was no longer the fastest or most efficient way to get anywhere.

That’s when he decided to give Beebz a try. After hearing how seamless the experience could be, Michael booked his first ride. The moment he clicked "confirm," he felt a sense of relief. There would be no more checking flight statuses or worrying about weather delays. With Beebz, the road was his runway—an uninterrupted, door-to-door journey that allowed him to focus on his work instead of rushing to catch a plane. The simple act of booking a Beebz ride meant no more struggling with limited flight schedules or sudden cancellations.

On the day of his trip, Michael realized just how revolutionary this change was. There was no last-minute rush to the airport, no waiting in security lines, and no unexpected delays. Instead, Beebz arrived at his door exactly when he needed it, on his schedule. The trip wasn’t just smooth—it was efficient. By the time he reached his meeting in Dallas, he felt as though he had reclaimed hours of his day.

For the first time in years, Michael realized that travel didn’t have to be stressful. Beebz had solved every pain point of air travel. No delays, no cancellations, and no hassle. Instead of being bound by airport schedules, Beebz had given him the freedom to move across cities faster and more efficiently than flying ever could.

The Numbers Don’t Lie:
A Better Way to Travel

After a few months of using Beebz, Michael took a moment to reflect on the impact it had made on his schedule—and his bottom line. In the past, he would have taken up to 12 flights between Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio in a single month. Each round-trip flight cost roughly $400, not to mention the additional $100 he’d spend on Uber rides to and from airports. That meant a typical month of travel could cost him upwards of $6,000, including downtime lost in security lines, flight delays, and transfers.

Now, with Beebz, those expenses had plummeted. His average cost per Beebz ride was around $200, cutting his monthly travel expenses in half to just $3,000. But the real game-changer was the time saved. By skipping airports altogether, Michael had reclaimed nearly 10 hours per week—time that would otherwise be spent waiting in terminals, going through security, or sitting in traffic. In just one month, that added up to over 40 hours of productivity—an entire workweek regained.

The financial benefits were clear, but the data showed even more: Michael had made 24 Beebz trips with zero delays, compared to his previous record of at least two flight cancellations and five delays each month. Not a single meeting had been missed or rescheduled. In fact, the reliability of Beebz meant that Michael was now planning his travel more confidently, knowing that every ride was guaranteed.

The numbers spoke for themselves. With Beebz, Michael had saved 50% on travel costs, reduced his travel time by 25%, and eliminated the unpredictability of flights entirely. The switch wasn’t just convenient—it was transformative. Beebz had not only beaten the traditional air travel model but proven that road travel could outpace the skies in every way that mattered.

“Switching to Beebz has been a game-
changer for me. I used to waste
countless hours and money on flights
and airport hassles, but now, travel is
seamless and efficient. Beebz has
truly revolutionized my approach to
business travel

Michael Thompson, Business Traveler.


Vehicle Service Provider (VSP):
Revolutionizing Travels in Texas

Traveling door to door to other cities just got much convenient with our VSP platform.

From Idle to Income:
The Journey as a VSP

Ben had always been a savvy entrepreneur, constantly looking for new ways to expand his business ventures. He owned a small fleet of vehicles, which had mostly been sitting unused, collecting dust in his garage. Young Ben was considering selling them before he came across Beebz’s new Vehicle Service Provider (VSP) platform. Intrigued by the idea of turning idle assets into a money-making business, Ben saw an opportunity.

The VSP platform, developed by Beebz, allowed individuals and companies to sign up their vehicles to be used in Beebz's expanding intercity transportation network. All the vehicles had to meet Beebz’s strict standards for safety, comfort, and quality, but once approved, they would be assigned to professional drivers through the Beebz app. Those drivers, in turn, would use Ben’s vehicles to offer seamless, door-to-door rides across Texas, transporting travelers between cities like Houston, Dallas, and Austin.

Excited by the potential, Ben signed up his entire fleet. Within days, his vehicles were being booked for rides, and his business was booming. No longer were his cars sitting idle—each one was generating income, while Ben handled the administrative side from his phone or laptop. The best part? Beebz’s model ensured the drivers took care of the trips, meaning Ben could earn money without having to drive a single mile himself. It was a game-changer, turning a dormant investment into a thriving new business.

For Ben, becoming a VSP wasn’t just about making money—it was about being part of a revolution. With Beebz expanding its footprint across Texas, Ben knew he was at the forefront of a transportation shift that was reshaping how people traveled between cities. And as more riders opted for Beebz’s convenience, Ben’s fleet was in high demand, proving that the VSP platform was not only innovative but profitable.

From Driver to Entrepreneur:
The Leap into VSP

Shaju, who had recently joined Beebz as a driver, realized the potential for growth on the VSP platform. Shaju is a friend of Ben and an ex-Uber driver. He had inherited a few vehicles from his late uncle, and after seeing how Ben’s fleet was generating income, Shaju decided to take a leap. He registered the vehicles on the platform. As a driver on Beebz, he also enjoyed being a full-fledged Vehicle Service Provider by default.

With his newly registered vehicles, Shaju began to see the fruits of his decision almost immediately. As a VSP, he earned over $2,688 in monthly commissions, $680 in rental fees, and $3,300 in revenue per vehicle. The numbers were undeniable—Shaju’s venture was proving profitable, and the best part was that he could register as many vehicles as he wanted, as long as they met Beebz’s standards. He was not just a driver for Beebz; he was also a business owner with a growing fleet of his own.

Shaju’s transformation from a Beebz driver to a VSP was proof of the platform’s potential. Beebz didn’t just offer opportunities for entrepreneurs like Ben—it also created pathways for drivers like Shaju to build their own businesses. With the VSP platform, anyone with access to vehicles and the ambition to grow could earn significant revenue, and Shaju was living proof of that possibility.

As CTO and co-founder, building the
VSP platform has allowed us to
empower individuals and businesses
to turn their vehicles into profitable
. It’s exciting to see drivers
like Shaju grow into successful
entrepreneurs through our platform.

Temitope Oluwole-Wells, Co-founder & CTO


The Beebz Experience,
Beebz and Beebz traveler

Discover how travelers experience unmatched comfort, convenience, and efficiency with
Beebz, transforming travel into a seamless and enjoyable journey across Texas.

Deep Euphoria:
The Beebz Experience

For riders like Prudence and Michael, traveling had always been a means to an end—something to endure rather than enjoy. But from the moment they switched to Beebz, everything changed. The euphoria of “The Beebz Experience” wasn’t just about getting from one city to the next—it was about the seamless journey in between. Prudence, who once spent hours hopping between bus stations, now relaxed in her Beebz ride, sipping fresh coffee, while her Wi-Fi connection allowed her to stay productive and connected throughout her trip. No cramped bus seats, no chaotic stations, just a smooth ride from her doorstep in Houston to her destination in Dallas.

For every Beebz traveler, the real difference was how effortless travel had become. Unlike the unpredictability of buses, the inflexibility of trains, or the high costs and delays of flights, Beebz offered a uniquely tailored experience. Travelers had the freedom to schedule rides at their convenience, knowing their journey would be uninterrupted and enjoyable. From personalized amenities to guaranteed punctuality, Beebz wasn’t just about speed—it was about transforming travel into a more luxurious, efficient, and enjoyable experience.

Seamless Journeys:
The Beebz Advantage

In the fast-paced world of modern travel, Beebz stands out by offering more than just a ride; it delivers a complete experience designed to save time and provide unparalleled convenience. For travelers, every moment counts, and Beebz has meticulously crafted its service to maximize efficiency. With Beebz, riders skip the time-consuming processes of checking in, waiting in lines, and dealing with unpredictable schedules.

Beebz also excels in reliability, with guaranteed rides and a reputation for sticking to schedules. Riders know they can depend on Beebz to be there when they need it, making travel not only easier but also more predictable. It’s this combination of saving time, convenience, safety, affordability, and reliability that makes Beebz a standout choice for anyone looking to navigate Texas with ease.


Commuting seamlessly
to and fro home to the airport

Transforming airport commutes into affordable, convenient, and enjoyable rides with
Beebz in Texas.

Airport Commutes:
Stress-free Experience

Sonia, a post-graduate student and assistant lecturer at Texas A&M University in College Station had always found her weekend travels a bit of a chore. Every Saturday morning, she would rise early to make her way to Bush Airport, juggling the cost and inconvenience of last-minute transportation services. The early wake-up calls and the expense of taxis or rideshares added stress to what should have been a relaxing journey to spend time with her grandmother in Florida.

The tipping point came when Sonia decided to try Beebz. The platform’s private ride option was a game-changer. Instead of paying the high trip fare with Uber from her doorstep which is an hour and thirty minutes to the airport, she could enjoy convenient ride to the airport at a very pocket-friendly cost. This not only made her commute significantly more affordable but also turned it into a pleasant, frictionless experience.

With Beebz, Sonia found that the convenience extended beyond just the price. The ride was scheduled to fit perfectly with her flight times, eliminating the rush and anxiety of missing her plane. The service provided a seamless transition from her doorstep to the airport, ensuring she arrived relaxed and ready for her journey without the typical stress and hassle of public transport.

In the end, Beebz transformed Sonia’s travel routine into something she looked forward to each weekend. The cost savings, coupled with the convenience and frictionless aspect of the private rides, made her trips to the airport not just easier, but also more enjoyable. What once was a stressful and expensive journey became a smooth, efficient, and pleasant part of her weekend routine.

Airport Commutes:
Flight, Beebz and School

Sonia’s return journey to College Station had always been fraught with challenges. After spending a delightful weekend with her grandmother in Florida, the last thing she wanted upon arriving Texas was to face the hassle of finding a ride from Bush Airport back to her apartment. The limited options for transportation often meant long waits or expensive last-minute rides, adding unnecessary stress to the end of her trip.

Fortunately, Beebz offered a solution that transformed her experience. With Beebz, Sonia could book a ride from the airport to her apartment in advance, ensuring that a vehicle was ready and waiting for her upon arrival. This pre-booked service meant she didn’t have to scramble for a ride or endure a long wait in an unfamiliar place. Instead, she could walk out of the airport and step straight into a comfortable Beebz vehicle.

The convenience extended beyond just the booking process. Beebz’s reliable service ensured that Sonia’s ride home was as smooth and efficient as her ride to the airport. With the same level of comfort and affordability she enjoyed on her outbound journey, the return trip was equally pleasant. The assurance of a guaranteed ride meant that she could focus on relaxing after her flight rather than worrying about transportation.

In essence, Beebz made Sonia’s travel routine effortlessly convenient. By handling both the airport transfer and the return trip, Beebz removed the stress from her commutes, allowing her to enjoy her weekends without any logistical concerns. It turned what was once a cumbersome process into a seamless experience, providing peace of mind and ease every step of the way.


Expanding Horizons –
to and fro home to the airport

Simplifying travel and accommodations with Beebz partnerships

A Complete Journey:
Integrated Experience

Franklin, a busy consultant, frequently found himself traveling between cities for business. His trips often involved multiple moving parts—finding the right transportation, booking accommodation, and juggling schedules. On his latest trip to Dallas for a three-day work engagement, Franklin was eager to make the entire process as seamless as possible. That’s when he turned to Beebz. Not only did Beebz offer a comfortable, stress-free ride from Houston to Dallas, but Franklin also discovered a new feature that changed the way he planned his stay.

Through the Beebz app, Franklin was able to book his ride and secure a cozy Airbnb apartment near his meeting venue in just a few clicks. This partnership between Beebz and accommodation providers like hotels and Airbnb made his entire trip planning more efficient. No more bouncing between different apps and websites—everything he needed was integrated into one place, saving him time and effort. With Beebz handling both his transportation and accommodation, Franklin could focus on his business, knowing his stay in Dallas was already sorted.

On arriving in Dallas, his Beebz driver drove him straight to his Airbnb. This was a smooth door-to-door experience without the usual hassle. The ability to synchronize his travel and stay through a single platform made the trip feel effortless. Even as Franklin prepared for his return trip to Houston, he knew that Beebz would handle everything from his ride to the apartment and back to the city.

The ease and integration that Beebz offered through its partnerships with hotels and Airbnb outlets was a game-changer for travelers like Franklin. With just a few taps, business trips became smoother, more organized, and completely worry-free, transforming Beebz from a simple ride service into a full travel companion.

A Seamless Return:
Journey Home

As Franklin wrapped up his three-day business trip in Dallas, he reflected on how easy the process had been, thanks to Beebz. With just a few taps on the Beebz app, he had booked both his ride and his stay in the city, leaving him more time to focus on work without the usual logistical headaches. As his meetings concluded, Franklin received a reminder from the Beebz app about his return trip to Houston, confirming his ride would pick him up from his Airbnb at the scheduled time. The convenience was unmatched.

On the day of his return, the Beebz driver arrived right on time, and Franklin once again experienced the luxury of a seamless, comfortable ride. He didn’t need to worry about catching a flight or dealing with the unpredictable schedules of buses or trains. The ability to move directly from his Airbnb to his home in Houston made his trip feel like a continuous, worry-free journey. Beebz had transformed how Franklin approached business travel, offering not only a reliable transportation service but also simplifying his entire travel experience.

By the time Franklin returned home, he realized just how much time and effort he had saved. The integrated service of Beebz, from ride-sharing to accommodation bookings, provided an unmatched level of convenience and efficiency. For business travelers like Franklin, the ability to handle all aspects of a trip in one place was invaluable. It wasn’t just about getting from point A to point B—it was about having everything seamlessly coordinated so that the trip itself felt effortless.

"From booking my ride to securing
my accommodation, everything was
handled seamlessly through the app,
saving me time and energy. It’s the
ultimate convenience for anyone who
values efficiency and a stress-free

Franklin Gaun, Business Traveler